New Features
🎫 Linear Event Notifications
View your team updates in one place. Pick a thread to post issue status updates in Settings.

Improved Voice and Screen-sharing
You now connect faster, and it's more reliable — tested and fixed voice connection in multiple edge cases.

🔔 Easier notification controls: It's now one click to enable all notifications and you can configure whether to get notification for mentions in all chats with one toggle in settings.
✔️ Double-tap to acknowledge on iOS: Quickly add a explicit acknowledgement on the go
🔗 Make link via CMD + K: Most highly requested missed feature from Slack users is here. Select text in compose and press ⌘K.
⚒️ New APIs: An API to get member statuses, a Local API to control voice chat and presence, and more. (
Read the docs)
🔰 Profile badges: Upload a small badge image to show in front of your name in the sidebar.
Fixes & Improvements
Fixed treasury items (saved GIFs, memes, etc.)
Fixed a bug preventing system sleep when Noor was running
Fixed swipe to reply triggering on scroll on iOS
Fixed crash on sending long messages and opening large chats on iOS
Fixed videos sometimes appearing as blank messages on iOS
Fixed notify modal to show only chat participants
Fixed magic translate to keep message formatting
Fixed handling of join link
Added login via X to iOS
Fixed adding guest by name
User interface improvements on iOS and desktop and a new font
Fixed video hiding on pause on desktop
Fixed chat to correctly show the messages you haven't read on open
Added space join link handling on iOS
Fixed connecting X account
Quality of Life
Sign up now pre-fills your name in the desktop app (detected from your system settings)
Floating call window now appears over macOS dock (previously would go under dock)
When changing network while in a voice chat, you can click on the loading indicator to speed up reconnection
Link previews now appear with animation in chat
Renamed Presence to Grid (since it's not just for remote presence but we also constantly use it for voice/screen-share from two separate rooms in the office)
Fixed app window showing up when someone joins you in the grid
Improved scrolling smoothness on iOS
Compose box is now more spacious on iOS