Zapier integration
Send messages, events and alerts from any app into Noor via Zapier. Demo:
More compact sidebar
It also has a collapse button and a cleaner look:
12 new accent colors
Improved inline reply
Reply inline quickly, add message below your message, or view replies without opening a new pane:
Sticky day separators in chat
Find out when messages were sent at a glance. Press to navigate at start of the day.
New GitHub pull request card
We re-designed the GitHub cards to include all the useful details:
iOS updates
⚡ Faster video upload by optimizing videos
Improved dark mode readability
Fixed header background being transparent on tab change
Fixed issues in swipe to reply, editing message, and UI
Added last message date for older chats in the chat list
We're making the best messaging experience on iPhone/iPad. Stay tuned for more updates!
Changed tray avatars to show present members
Added login with X (Twitter)
Fixed copy code block
Fixed cursor to be text mode on message texts
Faster startup time